Jumat, 11 September 2015

Export to JEDDAH

     Export is one of our activity in Perhutani Plywood Industry and here is the other example of our export. In the third export, the destination this export was in JEDDAH and we did it on November 2014 and The buyer ordered 19 pallets (9mm x 1220mm x 2440mm) with Anthocepalus Cadamba (Jabon) as Face/Back (DBB/CC grade) and using SAS to show that it was request from buyer.
      Here is the evidence of our export plywood to JEDDAH by pictures :
    As usual we showed our first picture that the container was empty. It's our evidence to show to buyer that the container will be full of our plywood which was sent to the buyer.

     Picture above we showed the proof that container will be loaded with plywood. and also the picture bellow was showing that the container was ready to be loaded with plywood

After the container was ready, we loaded ourplywood in. Picture beside showed our first plywood in loading the container then second plywood, third plywood till the container is full of plywood and ready to be sent to our buyer in JEDDAH.

Almost forgot to show our plywood using International Standart Export. The picture beside was showing that we also can use Standart International Export if the buyer wants it. It is one of our service to the buyer and it must do for us because the buyer is very important for us so we do everything the buyer offered.

Selasa, 08 September 2015

First Export

We did first Export on June 2014 to Shanghai and Perhutani Plywood Industry (PPI) did it well as a new Industry. PPI got it when PPI was just two years old since the Minister of Forest, Dr. H. Zulkifli Hasan, S.E., M.M., and Economic Minister, Ir. H. Muhammad Hatta Rajasa, was authorized PPI in 2013. As a new Industry we always give the best service for our buyer even Regional or International. Here is the example picture of our first export :

It was the pieces of plywood before we did export to Shanghai and before we gave a cover to plywood in our warehouse. We sold there about 112 m3 with thickness 2.7mm, 4,8mm, and 7.5mm.
And the picture beside was one of example of plywood which was ready to send to Shanghai and before covered in pallatized and also before we load it out from our warehouse into the container and sent to the Shanghai. And we always sent our plywood by container because buyer can buy our plywood at least 1 container.

That was the process of loading out of plywood from the warehouse to be out side of warehouse and ready to give palletized then covering again with standard International cover and next loading it into the container to be delivered to the buyer.

Product of Perhutani Plywood Industry

Here is the product of Perhutani Plywood Industry (PPI) which we had produced and we sold to some buyers even from Regional or International buyer

1. Plywood
1.1 Albizzia Falcata

This Plywood usually sold to Regional buyer and usually Regional industries use this plywood for their basic product. This Plywood is full of Albizzia Falcata between Core and Back/Face.

1.2 Albizzia Falcata

Our Plywood with UTY/BTR grade is plywood which did for export and we have done export this plywood to many countries such as China, Jeddah, Malaysia, Singapore, and other countries.