Jumat, 31 Mei 2019

Ekspor Perdana di Tahun 2019

Pengiriman Barecore 25 Kontainer ke China

Rabu, 30 Januari 2019

18 mm Blockboard
Full Sengon
F/B Meranti  

Kamis, 26 April 2018

Perhutani Plywood Industry Kediri Launching Produk
Bangun Industri Kayu Indonesia Melalui Plywood Meranti dan Sengon

Sebagai perusahaan kehutanan yang mengelola kayu berkualitas dunia, Perum Perhutani melalui Perhutani Plywood Industry (PPI) Kediri membuktikan komitmennya untuk terus menciptakan produk unggul. Salah satunya olahan kayu Meranti dan Sengon yang siap ekspor ke sejumlah Negara Asean dan dilaunching oleh Wakil Kepala Divisi Regional Jawa Timur, Lucy Mardiana hari ini Kamis (26 April 2018) di Pabrik PPI – Dusun Kapasan, Desa Gadungan, Kecamatan Puncu, Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur.

Untuk ekspor perdana kali ini, sedikitnya memuat produk kombinasi (bahan core sengon) – salah satu jenis plywood dengan bahan face back dari Meranti ke Negara Thailand, Malaysia dan Singapura sebanyak 5 kontainer dengan nilai sekitar Rp 2 Milyar.
Menurut Lucy, ekspor plywood Meranti dan Sengon ini merupakan salah satu jawaban atas tantangan yang diberikan kepada Perhutani untuk memenuhi keinginan pasar. ‘’Karena kami sudah berkomitmen akan memberikan produk terbaik dengan kualitas yang terjaga dan mampu memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan,’’ ujar Lucy yang dalam acara launching didampingi General Manager KBM IHH Divre Jatim (Widhi Tjahjanto), Administratur/KKPH Kediri (Ratmanto Trimahono) dan Kepala Pabrik PPI, 

Launching plywood Meranti dan Sengon yang mengusung tema Terus Membangun Industry Kayu yang Modern di Kancah Dunia tersebut, juga dihadiri oleh Kepala Dinas Perindustrian Kabupaten Kediri dalam hal ini diwakili oleh Kepala Bidang Perindustrian dinas perdagangan (Rossana) dan sejumlah mitra PPI. Rossana menyatakan bahwa sesuatu yang membanggakan diwilayah Kabupaten Kediri, ada perusahaan milik BUMN dalam hal ini Perum Perhutani mempunyai potensi pasar yang bagus, mengarah pada produk ekspor, yaitu Plywood Meranti dan Sengon, selain itu mampu menyerap tenaga kerja dari wilayah Kediri dan sekitarnya.

Dikatakan, ke depan PPI akan melakukan eksport plywood meranti dan sengon secara continue tidak hanya di sejumlah Negara Asean tapi juga ke beberapa Negara di Timur Tengah. Selama ini PPI lebih banyak menciptakan produk untuk memenuhi permintaan dalam negeri dari berbagai daerah. Dengan memperluas sayap bisnis ke mancanegara,  harapannya akan mampu meningkatkan pendapatan perusahaan secara signifikan. PPI telah beroperasi sejak tahun 2013 dan menghasilkan produk plywood, blockboard, veneer, barocore, kayu gergajian dan door component. (Kesisteman/humasPPIKediri)

Kamis, 26 April 2018


Minggu, 22 Januari 2017

Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

When Plywood Was Invented?

After 30 second google search turned up wikipedia website and several other sources. We can conclude that Plywood has been made for thousands of years; the earliest known occurence of plywood was in ancient egypt around 3500 BC when wooden articles were made from sawn veneers glued together crosswise.

But Many article has said
" Plywood was invented during the second world war, but it was primarily used to build PT Boats and landing craft for the military. After the war they began using plywood for residential construction and furniture by the end of the 1940's, there was a severege shortage of lumber suitable for making plywood. Particle board was invented in 1950 as a substitute for plywood, but it didn't receive much public attention at first

On more definitive facts
The first patent for what could be called plywood was issued December 26, 1865 belong to John K. Mayo of New York City. In 1905, the city of Portland, Oregon was getting ready to host a World's Fair as part of the 100th anniversary celebration of the lewis and clark Expedition. Severe local businesses were asked to prepare exhibits for the event, including Portland Manufacturing Company, a small wooden box factory in the St. Johns district of the city. Part owner and Plant Manager Gustav Carlson decide to laminate wood panels from a variety of Pacific Northwest softwoods. Using paint brushes as glue spreaders and house jacks as presses, several panels were laid up for display. Called "3-ply veneer work," the product created considerable among interest among fairgoers, including several door, cabinet and trunk manufacturers who then placed orders

IF you stay hungry about plywood history, There's a book by Eric Sloane called "A Reverence for Wood" that you should check. It's out of print but available through Amazon or maybe the library. It's a brief study of wood and woodworking in North America from the early Native Americans to more recent times. A beautiful piece of Americana. 

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016


PPI located in the district of kediri was established in 2013 to create added value for the PERUM PERHUTANI company. As part of the State forestry enterprise with plywood as main product, also develop and support goverment policy for increasing national income.
Starting in 2014 Perhutani Plywood Industry joined KBM Wood Industry II, which is a factory with teak as main products, include: veneer, lamela, lumber, and finished flooring, while Perhutani Plywood Industry produce products such as plywood by utilize sengon wood.
In an effort to increase revenue and added value, the development of Perhutani Plywood Industry, PPI continue to establish ergonomically designed to provide added value and more profit for the company.

In addition to our headquarters in Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia, and major office across the java island, our factory on pare, kediri, East Java is serve cllients across ASEAN Regional

PPI lead clients on good corporation service (specially in plywood), providing best quality plywood with the latest production technology, and extensive partner community.
View our

Out traditional business model is based on the accomplishment of plywood manufacture in Indonesia. Based on the decision of the company diversify product, we have now established balkken and barecore manufacture. The revenue of our company are expected to be nearly $10.000 per year depending on variables that about plywood need in the properties or factory 

Our senior management team has an average of 15 years of domestic plywood manufacture experience and strong history of business , academic , and technoloogical accomplishments.

PPI reported positive revenue for the 12 months ended December 31, 2015