Jumat, 31 Mei 2019

Ekspor Perdana di Tahun 2019

Pengiriman Barecore 25 Kontainer ke China

1 komentar:

  1. Dear Export Director

    First all we wish you a happy New ear 2019
    We are pleased to introduce Our ART Groupe compagnie .
    Established on the Tunisian market specialized in the distribution of hardwood , softwood and manufacture of wooden door.
    I hope to develop a serious and lasting business relationship between our companies.
    Thank you for sending us your best financial offer for a FALCATA wood pannel for structure Door 1225*2500*40 .
    Looking forward to your best response please accept my greetings the best

    Najar sarhan
    Ste art groupe
    48 Av taieb Mhiri
    2080 ariana
