PPI is one of the largest manufacturers of industrial plywood in Indonesia. Each panel delivers increased value, greater durability, and long-term performance. Choose a stock manufactured panel or customized a panel to exact specifications for your specific application.
Right now, PPI is proud to introduce new Product, they are Balken and Barecore product to the market for use in industrial application like CNC machining, or personal handicraft like furniture, cabinetry, and more
Most plywood used in the industrial market is machined into smaller pieces on Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machines. Product consistency and yield are critical factors in using plywood. Core gaps, open knots, warping and variations in thickness are a big concern for industrial customers.
PPI developed Balken and Barecore product to meet the needs of the industrial market. It's manufactured to tighter specification and shorter than standard construction plywood.
Let's Grab Fast
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